Kingswood Song

The College song was written by Sir L.E.Blaze. This was sung in 1904 for the first time and has been an important part of the College culture and tradition since then. The Kingswood College, in England also has the same tune in her College song too.



HILL-THRONED, where nature is gracious and kind, Home of our early
youth, grant us the love of truth, Health for the body, and Light for
the mind- Kingswood O, may we be loyal and true to thee Holding
what ‘er betide, Virtue and Faith our guide.
Loyally, Manfully, all of us true to thee No room for trimmer coward,
or fool; Word and will true and clean,
Work and play strong and keen. None for himself, but all for the
school! School ! School !
None for himself, but all, all for the school.
Nor shall the world destroy our love and pride, For both, we know,
the stronger shall grow
And whatever thy fortunes we stand at thy side. Present and past
shall be one in heart all for thee Holding what ‘er betide, Virtue and
Faith our guide.
Then in all things, Wherever Duty’s voice may call, Ready we follow
and spring to our work; Country or school may call, play the game,
Forward all, Shoulder to Shoulder, disdaining to shirk,
Duty we dare not flee, heavy the cost may be, Holding what ‘er
betide, Virtue and Faith our guide.