The Kingswood Skipper Who Declared the Innings with Two Overs to Stumps

The Kingswood Skipper Who Declared the Innings with Two Overs to Stumps

This is a Big Match story: a giant leap by a small made man. We don’t know what part of it is legend, and how far the truth is “truth”, since these kind of gestures quickly become fables and myths: the stuff from which heroes emerge. But, nevertheless, here it goes. The story’s setting is 2004,…

Sad Times, Difficult Times: Kingswood Changing Beyond What We Knew.

Sad Times, Difficult Times: Kingswood Changing Beyond What We Knew.

The traditional prizes and awards that were awarded from the earliest years such as the Crowther, Luterz, and Randles Shields, the Devadasan and Shanmugam trophies were taken off out of whim. Some prizes were not judged properly. The Prologue was presented without proper understanding. Whistling in the main hall became usual. s a small kid…